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Dice Tower Video Audio

Dice Tower content formatted for listening

Oct 17, 2019

Tom Vasel takes a look at things he found on the internet. Are you part of a gaming family? Tom talks about his experience gaming with his kids. Plus, many great segments from a plethora of board game experts. Episode # 302

Dice Tower East Registration is going on now!


Oct 17, 2019

Tom Vasel takes a look at a 2 player game of animals slaying a giant beast to save Skulk Hollow!!


Check out the friendliest conventions on Earth!

Dice Tower East! - (July 1-5, 2020)

Dice Tower West! (Feb 26 - Mar 1, 2020)

Dice Tower Cruise! - 

Oct 16, 2019

  • All of the videos we did last week!


Oct 16, 2019

Tom Vasel takes a look at Expansions that will be released at Essen 2019. Some he's played, some he hasn't, but all of them have piqued his interest.

Sponsored by Pandasaurus Games (Booth 4J114)

Check out the friendliest conventions on Earth!

Dice Tower East! - (July...

Oct 15, 2019

Join hosts Tom, Zee, and Sam as they talk about how different emotions can be awakened in games!