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Dice Tower Video Audio

Dice Tower content formatted for listening

Feb 26, 2013

Peter Bryant, host of TriTrac Podcast, Ben Gerber, host of Troll in the Corner, and Tom Vasel and Eric Summerer, hosts of the Dice Tower - get together in a panel at TotalCon 2013.  The purpose of this panel is to give advise to those interested in starting their own podcast.

Feb 19, 2013

It's the news for the week.  Huzzah!

Feb 12, 2013

The weekly news of board games and the Dice Tower

Feb 11, 2013

Tom, Zee, and Sam talk about the top ten cooperative board games

Feb 11, 2013

Tom, Zee, and Sam take a look at Batman: Cotham City from Wizkids and Paoli Mori